
Birding pays offBirds are fascinating creatures. There are different types, different colors, and every area seems to have unique birds that are unlike others. Perhaps this is why there are nearly 50 million people in the United States alone that consider themselves “Birders”. Each day, we have the opportunity to see an outstanding array of colors soaring high above our heads, and there are numerous people who attempt to capture their beauty on camera. Others simply prefer to pull out their binoculars and other things to catch a glimpse of what could be a one of a kind species in their area. No matter which type of bird watcher you are, you are not alone in your excitement.

For the Love of Birding

birdingOne of the first things you want to do as a birder is to familiarize yourself with birds that are common and uncommonly seen in your area. If you can, try to find a bird that you are absolutely excited about the idea of finding. At first, you may want to stick with a bird that can be seen often around your area. One such as a female cardinal or a pair of blue jays will be the perfect starter bird in some areas, since there are many and you will have several opportunities to see them and perhaps photograph them. The hardest part is knowing where to spot them and how to go about finding them.

Where to Find the Birds

beautiful bird pairIt isn’t hard to find birds. They are everywhere. For every one single bird that you see, there are several more within the close vicinity of it. Your best bet if you are in search of a bird, is to travel near a water source, an open meadow, or any other place that a bird will need to visit eventually. It may be that you are simply driving along, and you pull over at a bridge to find that majestic bird that you have been searching to find. To spot it, you only need to think like a bird. Free your mind of all other things. Where would a bird feel safe? Are they perched in a tree? Blending in with flowers? Foraging for food nearby? Even if you do not spot a bird at first, keep searching for any hint of movement that could be a bird and eventually you will find what you have been searching for.

Listen to Your Surroundings

There are a lot of beautiful songs in nature, but birding requires you to listen for anything that could be a bird. It may be a tapping woodpecker that catches your attention or some of the other unique sounds that birds make. If it sounds unique, try to find out what it is by searching in the direction that you hear it. Not all birds sing the pretty tweet-tweets or nightingale calls that we consider bird sounds. Some croak or make other types of noises instead. If you hear something that does not sound like simple nature sound, investigate. If you cannot find it, try another area where you may have more success. Sometimes it is only a few steps away from where you begin.

Why Are Birds Attacking My Windows

Birds attacking windows is a common and often puzzling behavior that many homeowners experience. This can be particularly true during breeding season, with species like cardinals, robins, and other territorial birds frequently engaging in what seems like an attack on reflective surfaces. Understanding why birds, especially cardinals, engage in this behavior is the first step in preventing it. Birds typically perceive their reflection in windows as another bird intruding on their territory. Cardinals, being highly territorial, especially during the breeding season, may mistake their own reflection for a rival bird and aggressively try to ward it off. This can result in constant pecking, flying into the window, or even vocalizations directed at their reflection.

How To Stop It Or at Least Minimize

To prevent birds from attacking windows, there are several strategies you can use. One of the most effective methods is to reduce the reflection in the glass. You can apply bird-friendly window decals, which break up the reflection and alert the birds that the glass is not a passageway. These decals typically use patterns that birds can see, as they perceive the world differently from humans. Hanging bird-friendly tape or using netting can also help, as these items prevent the bird from seeing its own reflection while still allowing for visibility from inside. Additionally, external window coverings, such as blinds or drapes, can reduce reflections and limit the bird’s ability to see its image in the glass. Moving outdoor objects that could contribute to the reflection, such as shiny surfaces or water features, away from windows can also lessen the likelihood of bird attacks.

Another approach is to make the area around the window less attractive to the birds by keeping feeding stations or bird baths at a greater distance from the house. Birds may be more inclined to approach windows if there are food sources or places to bathe nearby, making them more likely to mistake the glass for a safe space to fly through. You can also consider installing bird deterrent systems, such as window screens, which make it harder for birds to see the glass clearly or fly directly into it.

Repair The Damage

If a bird has caused damage to a window through repeated attacks, it may be necessary to restore the window. Restoring a window after it has been damaged by bird strikes often involves cleaning up shattered glass or repairing cracks. If the window is an antique or has historical significance, restoration efforts may include replacing the broken glass with a suitable period-appropriate material and re-glazing the window to maintain its original character. Professional window restoration services can help preserve the historical integrity of the window while ensuring that it is functional and safe to use. This process may also involve restoring any decorative trim or moldings, ensuring that both the aesthetic and structural aspects of the window are preserved.

By understanding the reasons behind birds’ behavior and employing the right strategies to reduce reflections, you can prevent bird attacks and protect your windows. Whether through simple DIY solutions like decals or more extensive measures like professional window restoration, preventing bird strikes is possible and can help create a safer environment for both birds and your windows.

Conference Necessities with A Family

birdingeventconferencesOne of the best things about birding is that you can do it with a group of people, make new friends, and spend time with the family while doing something that you love. However, with all the good, there must be some problems. Especially when it comes to visiting a birding conference or any other type of conference event that your family may attend with you. There are just so many conference necessities with a family event and you have to be prepared for every situation.

Conferences Can Be Fun

for the birdsAnytime you go to a birding conference, you are guaranteed to have a great time. Your entire family will have a great time looking for rare or unique birds. You will be able to see past acquaintances and meet new friends while you share a passion with them. It is a bonding experience that allows you to become a part of the nature that everyone there loves. It also enables you to spend a lot of quality time with your partner and your children, since children of all ages can be a part of the fun. At other conferences that you may attend, kids can also take part in the fun, even if they are infants. However, the younger they children are, the more you will have to work on packing up and preparing for the event.

Packing for a Conference

birdwatchingeventsWhen you pack for a grown-up conference that involves taking only yourself and a change or two of clothes, you don’t have to think hard about what you will need. Medications, clothing, and toiletries, as well as your electronics with their charging devices should be enough. When you take along your family though, you may have to plan a little more carefully. Rowdy toddlers will need toys, sippy cups, diapers, changes of clothes, and perhaps even sleeping options. Luckily, your items do not have to be the most expensive crib option available for an outing away from home, but you do need to make sure it is functional. Since your little one will not want to walk throughout a park looking for birds, you may want a stroller as well. As kids get older, it does become easier to pack up for them, but you still need to think about their safety and comfort while they are there with you. You may also want to consider having things that will keep them entertained during the “down” conference times that may come up during any event.

Conference Essentials and Other Outings

The great thing about attending a conference with your children is that you will have everything you need for other family outings. The same strollers and cribs that you use for the conference may also be useful for other vacations, whether it is to grandma’s house or somewhere else. The cribs are especially useful because most motels charge extra if you need a special sleeping area for your child to be included with your room. Therefore, we recommend that you purchase affordable, very versatile, types of things that can be used throughout the years, perhaps even those that can grow and change as your child does.

Pest Free Birding Excursions

deep in the forest with birdsThere are a lot of birding excursions you can take part in as a group with other people. They may be adventures that are close to home or across the country. They may take place in the mountains or deep within the National Forest. You may even end up in areas that not many other people have ever gone in search of a bird that you have spent years hoping to find. These adventures out are fun for all who are going. However, pests are a problem in those dense forest areas. It seems there is a direct link and pest free birding excursions are not allowed.

Birds in Paradise

birds in the forestThe biggest thing about birding is the fact that you get out into nature and enjoy all that there is to see while there. You can relax. You can bond with friends, both old and new, or venture out into wide open fields where you are alone with just the sounds of nature as your companion. You can also experience seeing new bird species that you have never before managed to find around your home town. It is something that most people who do not go birding will never understand the satisfaction of. The one damper on it all is the pests that you will come across while you are searching for that gem of a bird.

Bugs in the Forest

no see umsIn the deepest part of the woods, there are numerous insects all around. It ranges from ticks to spiders, and mosquitoes and Noseeums. Before you venture out into the woods, you need to be prepared for all that is there, beyond the birds. You should have things to help you avoid confrontations with all sorts of wildlife and in some cases, this does include the insect population since you are venturing into their “home”. Planning ahead for insect infestation is the key to success if you are looking for birds. You will want to explore all available tips and ideas when it comes to no see ums this is how to get rid of them. You have to plan and prepare for them in every way that you can. This may mean special clothing, natural repellents, and more. You may also consider really planning it out and taking an antihistamine with you to prevent the bites from bothering you as severely.

Become One with Nature

Becoming one with nature means that you have to give up some of the comforts of home, but it should not mean that you have to be uncomfortable just because you are doing what you love doing. Bug bites can make a great time out embracing nature quite miserable if you are unprepared for the trip ahead. Forests are dark, damp places which are perfect homes for insects of all types. It is where they breed. They feed on wild animals mostly, but they can also feed on you when you walk past their nest. In fact, if you venture far enough into the woods, you may look like a banquet to those insects who have not seen humans in a while. Do you really want to become their prey?

Creating A Bird Friendly Lawn

Bird watching isn’t something that you have to do just when you go out into nature. There are many people who enjoy birding from the comfort of their own home. However, it may take a little effort to attract birds so that you actually get to see them. Luckily, creating a bird friendly lawn is easier than you may think.

Bird Watching at Home

One of the easiest things that you can do to have birds come to your yard, is to have bird feeders set up and a bird bath where they can get water. By doing this, you can instantly increase your chances of having the most common birds show up. However, you may want to keep in mind other pets that you have which could scare away the birds. Beyond that, you can also consider the other types of plants, grasses, and trees that you have in your yard.

Planting Plants

You can use your landscape to attract birds. They enjoy having berries and other things to eat. Therefore, if you have American Bittersweet or the American Cranberry bush in your yard, you can attract up to a dozen different types of birds instantly. These bushes grow quite large and attract the most birds during the winter months when the berries are abundant. Black-Eyed Susan flowers are a huge hit for birds during the summer months. Several bird species enjoy nibbling on the seed heads of this garden favorite. It may come as a surprise to many, but the dogwood is also great for attracting birds. This tree has berries that they can eat during the fall and with one tree, you will increase your chances of seeing bluebirds, robins, and more.

Bird Friendly Grass Types

Humming birds, butterflies, and more are attracted to the butterfly weed during the summer months. This is because they are filled with a sweet nectar and other types of birds may also use the seed down as a way to build nests. Switchgrass and the Little Bluestem may be used by some birds as shelter in the winter, but they will also feed on the seeds during other months. Blue Fescue and Canadian Wild Rye are useful for birds who want to build a nest and feed on seeds.

It’s for the Birds

You can plant different plants and grasses to ensure that birds have a reason to come to your home throughout the year. It may be that they come as they migrate to other areas or they may come to stay a while in a tree nearby. Once planted, you only have to do what you can to make sure the plants are taken care of. You can easily do this with a gravity fed irrigation system and let nature take its course. From there, you can simply sit near a window and watch as the birds come to you. This is ideal for homes with older family members who may not be able to enjoy the more active birding lifestyle, but it can also benefit people who feel stressed by their day to day lives.

Overnight Birding Trip Preparation

finding birdsBirding is something that can be very enjoyable. It allows you to get out and enjoy all that nature has to offer you and sometimes can take you into exotic locations far from home. It can be rewarding if you happen to catch sight of a bird that you have spent years looking for. Even if you do not catch the glimpse that you are hoping for, the locations you may visit along the way may still make you want to stay out for a few nights searching for your own “treasure”. Therefore, overnight birding trip preparation should provide everything that you need, regardless of how long you end up staying.

Visiting Remote Locations

When birding, chances are good you already know what bird types frequently fly in your area. Some birds are native to one area or may migrate through it year after year. They are creatures of habit. They know their path, they know where the temperatures are ideal for them, and they stick to it. This means that for you to see new types of birds, you may have to travel to other areas or venture out further into the woods than you would normally go on a hike. However, with the idea of hiking deep into the woods or traveling to another part of the world, you probably want to give yourself as much time as you can, to find the birds you are hoping to see. Not all places have motels just a short walk away. They may not have vehicle access. When you are visiting these remote locations, plan for all the things that you will need.


Planning for Overnight Treks

birding camera

Obviously, when going out for long treks through the woods, you will want to carry a place for you to sleep and something to sleep on. Tents and sleeping bags will help you to stay comfortable, dry, and warm when you need them to. Beyond that, you will need food or a way to catch food. This may be non-perishables or rod and reel for fishing if you expect to find a river or a lake along your route. If you plan to catch your own food, you may want to take along magnesium shavings fire starters. Medications you may need over the time that you are hoping to be gone, extra clothes, bug repellent, sunblock, and extra batteries for your phone, camera, or other devices will all potentially come in handy for you.

Optional Fun Items

birdingWhen spending any time in the great outdoors, there are certain necessities. However, when bird watching there are some other fun items that you may want to consider taking with you. For instance, many birders recommend that you take along a bird book to help you name the birds that you catch a glimpse of. You may also want to take binoculars or a spotting scope of some sort to help you see birds that may be out of reach for your camera. If you can carry it, you may consider taking along an inflatable raft of some type so that you can drift downstream a little to make sure you do not miss that one bird that will make it all worthwhile. The overall idea of birding is to have a great time, see the birds that you have spent years searching for, and have stories to tell when you return home. Are you ready for an adventure?

Training Across All Animals

dog trainingAll animals stem from being wild. They can all survive without people, but many choose to be a member of your “pack”. Therefore, many pet owners happily say that their pets are a part of their family. Most pet lovers also agree that if you have a pet, regardless of what it is, you have a responsibility to them. This extends to teaching them the right ways to behave. Luckily, a lot of the same tips and tricks apply to training everything from a beloved K9 to birds. Even cats can be trained a little if you use these tips for training across all animals, regardless of species or breed.

Bringing Your Pet Home

cat trainingWhen you go looking for a pet, you most likely go with a single purpose in mind; to take home a cat, a dog, a bird, a snake, or any other type of animal that you have a fondness for. The bond between you and that animal is not usually very strong when you first see it, but sometimes there is a spontaneous attraction between you and one animal over the others. You take that chosen pet home and then you learn to love it. The animal must do the same. They are taken from their familiar environment and into a new place where they must thrive. They may hide away, be skittish, yelp or cry out throughout the night, etc. If you are patient, they will start to trust in you to care for them. It may take a few days and nights, but they will figure out that there is no danger in your home.

The Training Begins

After you get your pet home, you will have to tackle teaching them what you expect of them. For instance, potty training or box training for cats and dogs. Cats are easier because they have a natural desire to go into an area they can hide it in, but there are also similarities because you may have to show them where to “go”. All animals respond to special treats. Therefore, keep some treats on hand specifically for training. When your pet does something you want them to do, an immediate reward for their efforts will be appreciated by them. Some people say that clickers work great for this, especially with cats. When you see them doing right, click and offer a treat. The treat may be a bite of tuna or something else that they love to snack on. You can also use a clicker to get a pet’s attention if you are not using it as a reward. This can interrupt what they may be doing if you do not want them to do it, for instance having your dog chew on a shoe.

Tips and Tricks for Training

bird trainingThe best tip and a major key in all training is consistency and it applies to all types of animals that you may want to train. If you want a bird to speak or enjoy being held on your shoulder, you have to be consistent in talking to them or having them sit. If you want a cat to stay off your table, you have to be consistent in telling them, “No” when you see them on the table. This helps you to establish dominance with your pet and you can also build trust with them if you are not “mean” in correcting the things that they are doing wrong. Even when you want them to sleep in a crate, according to the crate training guide, you must ensure that it is a “safe” place for them to hide away when they want alone time. Beyond that, you must also take a little time to know your pet. When are they most happy to work with you? Are they more social with you during a specific part of the day? Use that time to your advantage and you will get further with training in less time.